Backyard Monsters Wiki
Backyard Monsters Wiki

-xKevin- -xKevin- 24 February 2023

Update 02/24/2023

Hi everyone,

Wow, it's been almost two years since my last update. Honestly, I haven't found a need to make any updates since there's so little that needs to be updated. So far, zero vandalisim, which is great! (I still monitor this Fandom by the way, so if you vandalize, there will still be conesequences.) There will still be no major updates unless it needs to be done. Please don't hesitate to contact me directly for any issues with the site, or you may post below.

So, right now, I want to see who's active and have an casual opportunity to talk. You can respond below this news post or contact me directly at my Message Wall.

P.S. Does anyone remember this game? (Still works): Attack of The Pokies

-xKevin- Profile Message Wall

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-xKevin- -xKevin- 12 May 2021

Update 05/12/2021


I have requested a closure request for this wiki, but, the wiki will remain open since the closure request didn't go through due to recent traffic. I guess even though it says I'm the only active user here, my assumption is that it only applies to users who are more involved in the wiki (such as in message wall).

The wiki will remain open for the time being while I check in once in a while for vandalism and some minor editing. However, there won't be any major changes throughout this wiki and will continue to remain in its current state. Also, the wiki has been locked so only registered users are allowed to apply edits, which I've done as a precautionary measure to prevent vandalism.

Hope everyone is staying safe in these uncertain times. …

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PyramidGod PyramidGod 20 May 2020


Hello everyone! I've searched for a Discord chat of the game but didn't found any... I'll create one at the weekend. This post is to recruit players that still alive in the backyards to join it and experience some social enjoyment of the game. If you still playing, reply to this post and lets create an active community again!

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JMahutga JMahutga 15 July 2019

Hanging in there

hi guys, even though the game is "DEAD" I'm not.  I still like playing, even in what I would call the 'twilight' of the game.  Long as it still works, I'll keep playing.  Yes, it is a bit lonely, not like the good ole days of 2009 - 2012.  Although the good old days were marred by the evil hackers who ruined this game for all.  I have had some good battles and a war last year!  I was able to create an alliance by just using BYM mail to as many players in my world as possible, and a handful replied. It was great fun and fast action daily, even down in the inferno too!  (hard to believe I know). But now I'm in a quiet world slowly taking rops, strongholds and all their Defender Outposts. You never know when a group of 'Jumpers' will show up …

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BYM23 BYM23 13 May 2017

Backyard Monsters

It's been 5 years since i started playing Backyard Monsters. Because it's very popular here in our city. The game makes happy and i loved the game so much. Until, the iOS version of this game TECHNICALLY KILLED Backyard Monsters.

Yup. I'm still here. Playing Backyard Monsters thrice a week. Waiting for updates. Then i realized that this games is already dead. No updates, no replies. Nothing. 

However, i'm still happy because there's some people who still playing BYM, it's been a great time with the DieHard Alliance even though they destroyed my yard for many times. 

Why Kixeye? Why? 

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-xKevin- -xKevin- 6 May 2016

Quick Disclaimer

Last year, the game has been fixed as an April Fools joke (If I'm wrong, let me know). It shouldn't have been that way, but it is, and I don't have the power to change it unfortunately. This wiki is dying, because the game is technically dead. It has no updates, and it's just simply "running".

Therefore, I don't feel a need to keep the wiki running if the game isn't running.  Basically, I'll keep visiting here once a week, once a month, or maybe even couple times a year . Just note that this wiki won't be monitored as it used to, since there isn't a need to.

-xKevin- Profile Message Wall 22:17, May 6, 2016 (UTC)

Update 04/05/2020: I'm suprised I still see some people still use this wiki, after all this time, even after I closed the wiki in 2018.…

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Johnmahutga Johnmahutga 13 April 2016

Aerial Defense Tower

Hello, say does anyone know if a level 8 ADT, with level 4 fortification, and with all 6 defender outposts around the Main Yard can be taken out by (1) one 10 million pebble and (1) one 5 million twig strike from a catapult?

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Tybug2 Tybug2 5 January 2016

Why Backyard Monsters is the best

A silly thing I wrote when I was younger. Enjoy the cringe if the revision history exists somewhere :)
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Tybug2 Tybug2 14 October 2015

New to the wiki

So, I'm relatively new to the wiki and am unsure of the way things run around here, despite being an admin. I want to change that :D I have a horde of questions to ask - for instance, should I have made a blog post (the one you're looking at right now) or asked these questions directly on xKevin's profile? So, here are my questions:

I've seen a lot of pages around the wiki that have outdated information - for instance, the cost to take over an outpost in MR2. Because this information is outdated, should it be removed, or kept for nostalgia purposes? I don't want to remove something that later turns out you wanted to have on the wiki.

What, exactly, is the difference between an admin and a bureaucrat? My basic understanding of it is that bure…

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Argarock Argarock 6 August 2015

Mapping The Damage

  • 1 Welcome back BYM Users
    • 1.1 So, we're all celebrating the BYM monsters game being revived from it's extended break of being broken. But the time for celebration has ended, and I think it's time for us to try and map the damage that has happened since it's Revival.
  • 2 We need EVERYONE'S help
  • 3 What we Know
  • 4 Unconfirmed Things

In order to get a full Damage report I'm going to request everyone list any Undocumented bugs they can find within the game, but in order to truly make the most accurate statement I would like anyone who can provide information about the changes since it's Revival, to PLEASE do so. Even if it's just confirming information that has already been said, or that a certain bug that has been listed here doesn't effect you. Every input…

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Argarock Argarock 6 August 2015

Mapping the Damage

Deletion Requested

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Firetrucksi Firetrucksi 22 April 2015


BYM is open again. I've noticed some people playing it, since my map is occupied by few players. (even conquered one of my outposts)

I hope BYM comes back officially. 

Don't lose hope people. It's still playable and awesome.

I had a glitch in the game though. My level was like before (34) and my resources are still there. So i started with millions of resources and a level four town hall. Had a huge headstart. I am about to upgrade to level five.

I get bored playing Clash of Clans sometimes so i played BYM again and bam. It worked.


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-xKevin- -xKevin- 7 April 2015


Read first: 


As you can see, BYM seems to work for both of us, and since I'm technically the owner of this wiki . . .you get the point :P


I can't seem to find any official announcement, think it's some April fools joke or something xD

So, welcome back everyone :)

I'll be recruiting admins soon, and possibly a new bureaucrat.

-xKevin- Profile Message Wall 10:23, April 7, 2015 (UTC)

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Ziggy1090 Ziggy1090 24 March 2015



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Adrian Tech Support Adrian Tech Support 9 April 2014

Soon my yard is gonna look OP

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-xKevin- -xKevin- 10 February 2014

Report Blog - 2014/02/10 ~

This is where you report people that are not following the Community Guidelines


Username: Offence made: Recommended Ban time (optional):

This format MUST be used for reporting, or the report WILL be deleted. Reporting is NOT anonymous.

Off-topic discussions WILL lead to ban. This blog is for reporting purposes only.

-xKevin- Message Wall 22:06, February 10, 2014 (UTC)

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-xKevin- -xKevin- 8 February 2014

BYM Facebook inactiveness

Update: BYM does report to support mails. Use this form for support:!/game/bm/form

BYM has been inactive for almost a year now. If Kixeye ever closes BYM facebook, this wiki will close with it.

What closing this wiki means:

-No administrators monitoring this wiki

-No updates

-All types of vandalism and spam will be COMPLETELY ignored

-Community Guidelines will be gone

If the wiki closes, it will be left at it is. You can contribute if you want...BUT all administrators have the right to ignore you completely because this wiki will be useless by then.

Note: This not not mean Administators can ban random people for no reason nor do any kind of offence to users.

Hope BYM comes back :(

-xKevin- Message Wall 23:05, February…

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-xKevin- -xKevin- 28 January 2014

Merging Wikis  and will be merged together.

They are based on the exact same game, and on the same platform, so why not?

Short notice, enough said.

EDIT: Drullkus, feel free to edit this.

To MHLut: It's time to move on, and this world is advancing faster than you think.

-xKevin- Message Wall 00:48, January 28, 2014 (UTC)

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-xKevin- -xKevin- 18 January 2014
2 is everyone?

Hey :P

It's been over a year since I've posted here. I've visited here sometimes, and did some stuff.

So..this is just a simple blog asking how everyone is doing?

and..I'm kinda wondering what happened to BYM, it's not working for some reason :/

(Note: I might become admin here again..since school isn't that hard..and I'm bored)

Extra stuff: In case nobody knows..I made a shortened link for this wiki..a while ago:

-xKevin- Message Wall 06:45, January 18, 2014 (UTC)

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Thegreatdalton Thegreatdalton 1 November 2013

outpost bug

so over the past two days ive destroyed 4 or 5 different outposts, but it wont let me take them over, anyone know what im doing wrong, or if this is a bug?

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V.2.0.0b V.2.0.0b 10 October 2013

Extended Absence

I've lost a bit of familiarity with Wikia's UI, so formatting issues may arrise.

Firstly, I would like to sincerely apologize for being gone. I'm not too sure if it made a huge impact, but it was irresponsible nonetheless. To be completely honest, I forgot about the wiki. I had trouble with both my PC and internet connection, so I was in the dark for quite a while. During this time, I got preoccupied with, work, my social life, other hobbies, etc., and by the time I had the issues with my PC fixed and the internet running steadily, I had lost the bookmark for the wiki and spent so much time preoccupied with life that I couldn't recall the wiki.

I would like to assure you that I am NOT leaving this wiki, and I will continue moderation. With m…

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Jindeljunatas Jindeljunatas 31 August 2013

Need Allies!!Please add me on face book my name is Jindel Junatas :)

Hello Guys,

   I think it is just the right time for me to have Good ALLIES in order for us to have a fun filled BYM. So please add me and pm me on Facebook if you are interested my name is Jindel Junatas... Together we can rule the BYM world... So what are you waiting for ??? :)

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Jacob The Destroyer Jacob The Destroyer 15 July 2013

My Alliance (Backyard Protectors)

Looking for a not so weak or too low level compared to the alliance? Well come on down and join the Backyard Protectors! levels 20 - 35 are reccomended to have more challenges than to just simply destroy everything in a second what would be fun about that? It doesn't matter what level you are as long as you think this is right for you

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Pachycephalosaurus Pachycephalosaurus 6 June 2013


Is backyard monsters only on facebook now? I was gonna play it today, but then I noticed it wasn't on kongregate anymore. Where did it go and why?

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Thor55 Thor55 31 May 2013

How to expand

Since coming to MR3 I have increased my flinger that was maxed working on my storage yards but I cant attack outpost to grow?   What am I missing


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Bigtimesharx Bigtimesharx 4 May 2013

Korath or Fomor

I know that Korath is a beast and all (I do have one) but in an attack would a Korath or Fomor be better. Defensive wise Korath is better but what about when ur attacking? This means that if u say Korath, u dont use the 5 or 10 million putty rage. Please be honest here and if u dont have a korath, write a bit about ur fomor. Thanks :)

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A job09 A job09 10 February 2014

Sigh, what happened to this wiki?! PART 2

'Discussion ended '-xKevin- Message Wall 11:32, February 10, 2014 (UTC)

(NOTE: MAKE SURE YOU READ PART 1. AS THIS IS NOW AN UPDATED BLOG FOR "Sigh, what happened to this wiki?!".)

Now, this is the part 2 of "Sigh, what happened to this wiki?!". This is the updated page. If you don't yet read part 1, read it here first:,_what_happened_to_this_wiki%3F!

Now, let's begin.

You know, I see at the wiki activity, just only a few users I have seen on the activity. I also see IPs, but only also a few of them. It is almost there that I am only the editor of the pages here. But this is the just the beginning of the wiki dying, as the wiki is just like injured.

We need your help. All of you. IPs, r…

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A job09 A job09 3 April 2013

Lol, I am suprised once my champion..... Is this a bug or not?

Hi guys! Welcome to my blog! You know, once I joined MR3, my champion becomes Level 6! (Level 2 before though.) What you think? Is this true or not? Bug or not? Answer in the comments now!

You know, I am happy! Now, I can destroy all the Outpost Defenders surrounding me! Even so, I can now capture Resource Outposts! But still, it is weak on Spurtz Cannons. I can't still capture a Stronghold forever! Because of Spurtz Cannons and the Stronghold! I will not capture them, though. Still, I am suprised and happy!

A_job09 is at your service! 04:05, April 3, 2013 (UTC) 

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A job09 A job09 25 March 2013

Sigh, what happened to this wiki?!

Yes, you saw the title. Now answer why?

I feel that all admins are not online right now. But I become suprised, I become an admin. Well, I think, I am the only admin working here.

This is a bad news, I keep improving this wiki. I still banned the vandalizers, and I am hoping that this wiki is safe, no vandalizers and secure. I hope there is an admin online now here.

But, instead of bad news, I got good news. KensQsPro was doing a good work to this wiki (He contribute a lot!)! But I don't know if I can now give him rollback powers, but he still don't have more edits. (He must have 100+ edits, I think)

And there are a lot of IPs here, and we have still a few users here. Kevin still resigned. But even this wiki is now like this, I promise, I will …

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Iggyvolz Iggyvolz 24 February 2013

New unnamed event released

There is a new event coming out in March [1]. Responding to a post saying Backyard Monsters was dying, David Scott (Co-Founder of KIXEYE) responded:

So, what should we call this event, in terms of a page?

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Stupid project x Stupid project x 18 February 2013

Sorry for not going

Sorry guys I didn't went to the wiki for months. Anyways, I got my 888th edit. I am busy with my work, but I will come to the wiki once like a week or so

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Nek-Minnit Nek-Minnit 8 December 2012


Hi everyone and welcome to my blog.

Here is a pic of my base 9/12/2012:

I've been playing for years but my mum hacked it to my other facebook and deleted it that base was way better even ask DemonDragonSlayer. This base now I've been working on it for about a year now.

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Slfeeh Slfeeh 7 December 2012


Someone could say the CDN address where you can find this Krallen picture ?

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The terraria helper2 The terraria helper2 19 November 2012

absurd links

Hello ive been on this wiki recently and i have noticed there are links to win fake items and get 5 million now i have just been trying to get rid of these but i am just warning anyone of a green line under a link to another page it is proposing money and stuff and i ask you to get rid of them please for the greater good of the wiki and knowledge.

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EwanWithLazers EwanWithLazers 17 November 2012

Monster Goo and Time Costs.

What do you think about it, should we add a seperate table just for the MR3 costs, or just merge them all together?

E.G: A MR3 Level 2 Pokey costs 1350 goo, and takes 30 seconds to make.

Gorgo The Great ''' 10:34, November 17, 2012 (UTC)

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Ian Moffett Ian Moffett 17 November 2012


what is a blog without going on another page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Teratorn43906 Teratorn43906 22 October 2012

Getting good at .gifs

Man... looks like i'm getting good at making .gifs in my Photoshop. Whew! I think i'm becoming like Drullkus but different. XD Still, i only made 4 .gifs for this wiki yet. There are still others to make... Whew....

Balloonicorns each sold seperately. 13:24, October 22, 2012 (UTC)

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MHawk2 MHawk2 21 October 2012

Map3 Wild Monster Tribe new loot tabel

  • 1 Kozu Normal Outpost
  • 2 Dreadnaut Normal Outpost
  • 3 Abunnaki Normal Outpost
  • 4 Legionaire Normal Outpost
  • 5 Moloch Outpost
  • 6 Kozu Rescource Outpost
  • 7 Dreadnaut Rescource Outpost
  • 8 Abunnaki Rescource Outpost
  • 9 Legionaire Rescource Outpost

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MHawk2 MHawk2 21 October 2012

Map Room 3 Preview Outpost Presets

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Krislack Krislack 4 October 2012

When defending your base

If you are lower than llvl 35 in bym i suggest that you upgrade all your snipers and cannon to lvl 5 and your bunkers to 3. And don't put rocket daves to bunkers beacause you might get up attacking with a champion only, only put airbust eye-ras or whirlwind banditos. also make your base symetrical enough to lure monsters to spaces with heavy traps

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A job09 A job09 28 September 2012

Sorry! Got Inactive for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!

Sorry that I got inactive for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! Because, my mom won't let me to play computer, because my exam Thursday and Friday (but I don't know that now is Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday!), and I need to review for my exams. But don't worry, now, I am now online right now. So, if my exam is almost there, I will report it to all of you, admins. My exam is now finish. So 2nd Periodical Exam is on next month and some several days. My 2nd Mid-Quarter Exam is finished, so I am happy that I am online right now. And I will be also online on Saturdays and Sundays. Keep messaging me until my next exam is not almost there! I will answer your question or message. Have a Nice day!

A_job09 is at your service! 08:15, September 28, 2012…

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Karl raphael Karl raphael 14 September 2012

New wiki picture

make it if you want!

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Icedude1 Icedude1 10 September 2012

Brukkarg War

Is there going to be another brukkarg war cuz i really want to have another chance at getting the spurtz cannons since my yard has upgraded by tons since the last brukkarg war.

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Ultimatelooter Ultimatelooter 8 September 2012

Everyone's Champion Stats

In this blog we will share to other wikia contributors our Champion Monster's stats

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Karl raphael Karl raphael 7 September 2012


You Know This Game If you Dont Know This Game PLAY NOW! its exciting with 16 POWERFUL MONSTER! play now at

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Ikk200 Ikk200 6 September 2012


Hey Everyone!

I was attacking a normal op and i had a bug where i could keep clicking mouse and putting UNLIMITED korath's out!!!!!!!! (my koraths have FoD).

I took some screenshots:

I recorded me attacking some idiot how thinks he is bad :) And I destroyed his whole base thanks to this :D I'll upload that soon.


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Amovist Amovist 2 September 2012

Amovist Backyard Update Two Yesterday, September 1st, 2012

Hello, take a look at my new yard. After people said my new base was a box yard I focused on revamping it into a new yard using your suggestions. Tell me what you think inside the comments.

The new yard, I tried to lure it along, a trail armed with powerful weapons. I was thinking that by placing Goo Factories of Level ten that would distract them long enough to get slaughtered by the defensive structures. I also was thinking that no one would catapualt into to destroy the towers because users don't get resources from catapaults. Take a look at some of the screenshots I took for my backyard. I have a surplus of Goo anyway, so it is my least needed factory, I have no problem using them as targets.

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V.2.0.0b V.2.0.0b 2 September 2012

3 Days of Work/Sorry!

If you haven't already noticed, I've been inactive for about a week or so. The truth is, a few issues came up in my real life and I was unable to access the internet for a few days. We forgot to pay our internet bill, and we've been left in a bit of a predicament.

At the moment, I'm using a relative's internet, as we're visiting for 3 days. During this time, I'll need to do as much work here at the wiki as possible. This will likely include:

  • New administrators
  • Bans
  • New stuff for the wiki

If you have any requests, please get them to me before Monday, 9:00 PM (PST/Kixeye time), as it could take anywhere from a single day to a week before I have permanent internet access.

V.2.0.0b (talk) 02:38, September 2, 2012 (UTC)

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Korath Alpha Korath Alpha 1 September 2012

A new side navigation system

There is an easy way to make going through the wiki easy! Here is how we do it:

  • Have you seen Ikk200's userpage? Those things in the sides are an example of what I am planning.
  • We do this via the Template. It would be really hard to do this page by page.
  • The navigation would be tough to make, but will be worth it.
  • You may also add the Series Nav (Another old idea) to the side navigation, only if you vote for it(comments). This will be represented only by an arrow.
  • The side navigation consist of boxes with monsters images/buildings images inside it. I will not do it on Recent Wiki Activity.
  • Also there will be a Help on Issue, which will direct you to Kixeye Support Page.
  • Home button will be added as well. Also we will put "Report Vandalism" and "P…
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Karl raphael Karl raphael 30 August 2012

New Decor?


Decor? i just see it on CDN

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