About Bombs[]
A bomb is used when a player attacks another player's base with [mostly] a single kind of monster and (optionally) a Champion. After flinging in all the monsters, you catapult a 10M Putty Rage on them. This requires a lot of monster space.
- Bombs are less effective (or actually rendered useless) now due to the weakening of 10M Putty Rage (from 0% armour to 10%) - meaning that now monsters take 10% of the damage instead of being invincible for 40 seconds.
List of Bombs[]
- Pokey Bomb
- Octo-Bomb
- Ichi-Bomb
- Bandito-Bomb
- Fang-Bomb
- Project X Bomb, more commonly referred to as PPX
- D.A.V.E Bomb
- Slimeattikus Bomb
- Fomor Bomb
- Sabnox Bomb
Unimportant Bombs[]
- Eye-ra bomb (It's only for FUN!!!)
Monsters that can't be bombed/ or less effective[]
- Bolt- A really weak monster with far too high a speed to throw more and 10m Putty all (see Bolt-Bomb although not recommended to all bases).
- Crabatron- Not a wise choice, since Ichi has a higher attack, costs less and takes less time to produce. Also, Crabatrons may step on heavy traps after the 10m Putty Rage.
- Zafreeti- Can't attack, so the only thing it can do is make your champion semi-invincible (as it would heal the champion).
- Vorg- Like Zafreeti, it can't attack.