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Chaos Factory
Chaos Factory
Town Hall Level Required 5
Maximum Building Levels 1
Building Usage General
Size 5 x 5 in blocks

" Construct and launch Chaos Weapons to destroy your enemies. "

General information[]

The Chaos Factory is a building that a player can build in the Overworld Yard, but requires Inferno resources to build.

Chaos lab x

It is used to construct all three Chaos Weapons unlocked in Chaos Lab, but it can only hold a single one at a time.

Building and Upgrading[]

Level Cost Construction Time Repair Time Prerequisites
Bones Coal
1 1,500,000 1,500,000 1d 1hr L1 Under Hall

Building Chaos Weapons[]

Marilyn Monstroe[]

Level Cost Construction Time Prerequisites
Bones Coal Sulfur
1 14,324 28,648 28,648 50m Unlocked Marilyn Monstroe in the Chaos Lab
2 27,493 54,987 54,987 1h 15m Upgraded Marilyn Monstroe 2 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 2)
3 74,495 74,495 37,248 1h 30m Upgraded Marilyn Monstroe 3 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 3)
4 101,245 202,491 101,245 2h 45m Upgraded Marilyn Monstroe 4 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 4)
5 194,063 388,126 388,126 4h 15m Upgraded Marilyn Monstroe 5 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 5)
6 370,582 741,164 741,164 6h 15m Upgraded Marilyn Monstroe 6 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 6)
7 698,335 1,396,671 1,396,671 9h 30m Upgraded Marilyn Monstroe 7 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 7)
8 1,260,829 2,521,659 2,521,659 14h 15m Upgraded Marilyn Monstroe 8 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 8)
9 2,045,630 4,091,259 4,091,259 21h 15m Upgraded Marilyn Monstroe 9 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 9)
10 2,813,970 5,627,941 5,627,941 1d Upgraded Marilyn Monstroe 10 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 10)

Candy Jars[]

Level Cost Construction Time Prerequisites
Bones Coal Sulfur
1 42,971 42,971 21,486 1h Unlocked Candy Jars in the Chaos Lab
2 74,495 74,495 37,248 1h 30m Upgraded Candy Jars 2 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 2)
3 129,138 129,138 64,569 2h 15m Upgraded Candy Jars 3 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 3)
4 223,821 223,821 111,910 3h 30m Upgraded Candy Jars 4 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 4)
5 387,710 387,710 193,855 5h Upgraded Candy Jars 5 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 5)
6 670,501 670,501 335,250 7h 30m Upgraded Candy Jars 6 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 6)
7 1,153,934 1,153,934 576,967 11h 30m Upgraded Candy Jars 7 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 7)
8 1,958,516 1,958,516 979,258 17h Upgraded Candy Jars 8 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 8)
9 3,205,295 3,205,295 1,602,648 1d Upgraded Candy Jars 9 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 9)
10 4,853,386 4,853,386 2,426,693 2d Upgraded Candy Jars 10 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 10)

Loot-o-Tron 5000[]

Level Cost Construction Time Prerequisites
Bones Coal Sulfur
1 28,648 14,324 28,648 4h Unlocked Loot-o-Tron 5000 in the Chaos Lab
2 57,143 28,571 57,143 5h 30m Upgraded Loot-o-Tron 5000 2 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 2)
3 113,970 56,985 113,970 7h 45m Upgraded Loot-o-Tron 5000 3 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 3)
4 227,228 113,614 227,228 11h Upgraded Loot-o-Tron 5000 4 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 4)
5 452,367 226,183 452,367 15h 15m Upgraded Loot-o-Tron 5000 5 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 5)
6 895,392 447,696 895,392 21h 30m Upgraded Loot-o-Tron 5000 6 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 6)
7 1,734,393 867,197 1,734,393 1d Upgraded Loot-o-Tron 5000 7 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 7)
8 3,133,708 1,566,854 3,133,708 1d 12h Upgraded Loot-o-Tron 5000 8 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 8)
9 4,858,153 2,429,077 4,858,153 2d Upgraded Loot-o-Tron 5000 9 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 9)
10 6,260,167 3,130,083 6,260,167 4d Upgraded Loot-o-Tron 5000 10 in the Chaos Lab (Needs Chaos Lab Lv 10)

Building Stages[]

Level Normal In Action Damaged Destroyed
Chaos Factory Chaos Factory Chaos Factory Damaged Chaos Factory Destroyed

Known Bugs[]

  • When buying the "Close Enough" speed-up to speed up the creation of a Chaos Weapon, it does a 'Oops!' error for unknown reasons.

See Also[]

Chaos Lab
