All of the War decor, along with a few Tiki Torches.
General information[]
Decorations (decor) are objects used to spruce up your base. They can be bought from the in-game store for variable amounts of Shiny. Unlike the other structures, they do not affect the way your base operates. However, they can be used to get rid of spare Shiny, use up space in your yard, and hide other buildings/entrances.
Some users used them as a means of blocking Flingers, but the feature was removed because it was deemed too exploitable.
Unlike normal buildings, you can place them outside of your yard (outside of the white border surrounding your yard).
Decorations also cannot be built in Outposts. However, there have been glitches where a player could put decorations in Outposts. One of those glitches occurred during Wild Monster Invasion 1; some players were able to build multiple Victory Totem Poles, even in their Outposts.
Some decorations are obtained via events. They do not cost any Shiny, and include the Victory Totem Poles - prizes from the first and second Wild Monster Invasions.
Also, Decorations will not have any HP and it also won't be attacked by any monster.
In the store, you will find decorative items sorted into:
- Contains dead monsters on skewers and a tombstone. Includes Monster Skull, Dead Pokey, and Tombstone.
- Contains plants and seeds. Includes Acorn, Beehive, Thorns, Blackberry Bush, Bonsai Tree, etc.
- Contains garden and entertainment items. Includes Tiki Torch, Puzzle Cube(solved), Pond, Zen Garden, Fountain, etc.
- Contains country and themed flags.
- Contains golden shiny trophies and golden global structures. Includes Baseball Trophy, Football Trophy, Soccer Trophy, Eiffel Tower, and Big Ben
- Earned from events; Victory Totem Pole, D.A.V.E. Pumpkin, and Mini-Pumpkin.
- Earned from buying Shiny at a specific time; Big Gulp