Backyard Monsters Wiki
Backyard Monsters Wiki
Backyard Monsters Wiki

General Store
General store
Town Hall Level Required 1
Maximum Building Levels 1
Building Usage General
Size 3.5 x 3.5 in blocks

" Spend your Shiny on time-saving upgrades. "

General information[]

The General Store provides the player with extra boosts and upgrades in exchange for Shiny. This building is already present in your base when Backyard Monsters is being played for the first time and only needs to be built if it has been recycled for resources earlier.

The "close enough" building speed-up, if there is less than five minutes left, may be "purchased" without using Shiny. In addition, totem poles might be found in the General Store if they have not been placed in the yard but have been earned or "lost".

Old gen store

The Old General Store.

Building and Upgrading[]

Level Resources Needed Building Time HP Size in blocks Repair Time Resources Recycled
Twigs Pebbles Twigs Pebbles
1 1080 720 10s 4,000 3.5" (Square) 10s 810 540



Image Name Description Cost Cooldown
Extra Worker 1 Extra Worker One extra worker to help you build and upgrade your village. 250 (x2 for next purchase, up to a maximum of 4) N/A
Sharper Tools Sharper Tools Upgrades started while this is active get a 20% head start (and your workers get hats). 225 7d
More Yardage More Yardage Increase the size of your yard by 10% to make room for more stuff. 50 (+50 for next purchase, up to a maximum of 6) N/A
Stone Walls Stone Walls Instantly upgrades x of your blocks to Stone, saving you y resources. 3 Shiny for Each N/A
Metal Walls Metal Walls Instantly upgrades x of your blocks to Metal, saving you y resources. 6 Shiny for Each N/A
Gold Walls

Gold Walls

Instantly upgrades x of your blocks to Gold, saving you y resources. 16 Shiny for Each N/A
Black Diamond Walls Black Diamond Walls Instantly upgrades x of your blocks to Black Diamond, saving you y resources. 34 Shiny for Each N/A


Image Name Description Cost Cooldown
10% extra Twigs +10% extra Twigs Gives you 10% of your Twigs capacity taking your total Twigs to y. Depends -
50% extra Twigs +50% extra Twigs Gives you 50% of your Twigs capacity taking your total Twigs to y. Depends -
Fill your Twigs Fill your Twigs Gives you x extra Twigs which takes you to 100% capacity. Depends -
10% extra Pebbles +10% extra Pebbles Gives you 10% of your Pebbles capacity taking your total Pebbles to y. Depends -
50% extra Pebbles +50% extra Pebbles Gives you 50% of your Pebbles capacity taking your total Pebbles to y. Depends -
Fill your Pebbles Fill your Pebbles Gives you x extra Pebbles which takes you to 100% capacity. Depends -
10% extra Putty +10% extra Putty Gives you 10% of your Putty capacity taking your total Putty to y. Depends -
50% extra Putty +50% extra Putty Gives you 50% of your Putty capacity taking your total Putty to y. Depends -
Fill your Putty Fill your Putty Gives you x extra Putty which takes you to 100% capacity. Depends -
10% extra Goo +10% extra Goo Gives you 10% of your Goo capacity taking your total Goo to y. Depends -
50% extra Goo +50% extra Goo Gives you 50% of your Goo capacity taking your total Goo to y. Depends -
Fill your Goo Fill your Goo Gives you x extra Goo which takes you to 100% capacity. Depends -
Improved packing skills Improved packing skills Improves the capacity of all resources by 10% (Total increase of x%) 50 (+50 for next purchase, up to a maximum of 10) -


Image Name Description Cost Cooldown
Close Enough Close Enough When there's less than 5 minutes remaining you can finish upgrading/repairing the x for free. Free -
Reduce by 1 hour Reduce by 1 hour Reduce the upgrading/repair time of the x by 1 hour. 20 -
Reduce by 2 hours Reduce by 2 hours Reduce the upgrading/repair time of the x by 2 hours. 40 -
Finish upgrade NOW! Finish upgrade/repair NOW! Save x - Finish upgrading/repairing the x now. - -
Sharper Tools Production Overdrive Double the production rate of all your harvesters for 12 hours. 200 12hr
Sharper Tools Repair All Buildings Instantly repair the x damaged buildings in this yard now (buildings under 5 minutes are still free). - -
Hatchery Overdrive Stage 1 Hatchery Overdrive Stage 1 Need to rebuild your monster army in a hurry? 4x the speed of all Hatcheries for 1 hour. 30 1hr
Hatchery Overdrive Stage 2 Hatchery Overdrive Stage 2 6x the speed of all Hatcheries for 1 hour. Does not stack with other overdrives. 50 1hr
Hatchery Overdrive Stage 3 Hatchery Overdrive Stage 3 10x the speed of all Hatcheries for 1 hour. Does not stack with other overdrives. 100 1hr


Image Name Description Cost Cooldown
Daily protection Daily Protection Gives you 24 hours protection from Player and Wild Monster attacks. Removed if you attack anyone. 32 5d
Weekly Protection Weekly Protection Gives you 7 days of protection Player and Wild Monster attacks. Removed if you attack anyone. 250 14d
Ultimate Protection Ultimate Protection Gives you 28 days of protection Player and Wild Monster attacks. Removed if you attack anyone. 1,100 28d
Monster Dust Monster Dust CHOMP! This power-up increases the amount of damage your monsters inflict by 25% for 24 hours. 500 1d
Beast Mode Beast Mode Reduces damage inflicted to your monsters by 30% for 24 hours. 500 1d
Hyper Mode Hyper Speed Increases the speed of your monsters by 50% for 24 hours. 500 1d
Tower Overdrive Tower Overdrive BOOM! This power-up increases the amount of damage your defense towers inflict by 25% for 24 hours. 600 24h
Housing Expansion Housing Expansion This temporary power-up increases the capacity of your monster housing by 25% for 24 hours. 375 1d

Notice (all kinds of protection): At one point Protection did not protect against Wild-Monster attacks, but that has been changed in recent patches.


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Building Stages[]

Level Normal Damaged Destroyed
1 General Store General Store Damaged General Store Destroyed


Moved to General Store/tips


  • Even if the General Store is destroyed, it will not affect the store at Inferno.
  • The General Store was constructed using a dice, ice cream sticks, and thumbtacks.
  • Once there was an item under the "Resources" tab where you'd purchase "Musk" for the Wild Monster Baiter. This was removed because players now have unlimited musk.
  • When a monster buff is purchased from the monster section, all your monster and your champion(s) will appear with Gold, Blue or red outlines respectively, depending on what you have purchased. If more than one type of this are purchased, different types of outline colors will appear instead.
  • There is no need to build a store at inferno, just press the Store near the buildings tab.
  • Daily, Weekly, and Ultimate Protection protects against both player and wild monster attacks.
  • Recycling the General Store will disable the 'Store' icon, preventing you from purchasing any of the items in there.
  • If the General Store has less than 50% health, you are not able to use the "Close Enough" Speed-Up. However this doesn't matter as it takes only a few seconds to repair if destroyed.
