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Backyard Monsters Wiki
Resource buildings

Resource production buildings

General Information[]

Harvesters produce Resources (Twigs, Pebbles, Putty, and Goo) at rates that increase with the Harvesters' upgrade level. The four Harvesters are Twig Snappers, Pebble Shiners, Putty Squishers, and Goo Factories. The Inferno expansion has four Harvesters analogous to those in the main yard: the Bone Cruncher, Coal Extractor, Sulfur Swirler, and Magma Pump.

Harvesters store the Resources they generate until you "bank" them into your Town Hall. If a looter destroys your Harvester, he or she gets any unbanked Resources – and if you destroy someone else's, you get theirs! To bank your Resources, click on your Harvester. If you want to bank just what is inside that Harvester, click "Bank [#]." If you want to bank from every Harvester, click "Bank All."

Along with Storage Silos and Town Halls, outposts, and Resource Outposts(MR3, Loot-o-tron only), Harvesters are the only buildings from which you can loot Resources.


Since Harvesters can be looted, you should protect them, though most players assign higher priority to protecting Silos, Town Halls, and towers.

Once a Harvester is full, it stops collecting until you bank its Resources. Therefore, if you upgrade your Harvesters, you increase their capacity and won't have to log in as often to bank the collected Resources into your Town Hall.

For more information, see Harvester/tips.

Capacity and Hourly Rates[]

Level Capacity








per min



1 720 2,880 4,320 720 2,880 4,320 12 48 72
2 2,160 8,640 12,960 1,440 5,760 8,640 24 96 144
3 5,670 22,680 34,020 2,520 10,080 15,120 42 168 252
4 13,365 53,460 80,190 3,960 15,850 23,760 66 264 396
5 29,160 116,640 174,960 5,760 23,040 34,560 96 384 576
6 60,142 240,568 360,852 7,920 31,680 47,520 132 528 792
7 118,918 475,672 713,508 10,440 41,760 62,640 174 696 1,044
8 227,584 910,336 1,365,504 13,320 53,280 79,920 222 888 1,332
9 424,414 1,697,656 2,546,484 16,560 66,240 99,360 276 1,104 1,656
10 775,018 3,100,072 4,650,108 20,160 80,640 120,960 336 1,344 2,016

To shrink the size of the table, only X4 and X6 are displayed (since 6 is the max amount of harvesters in a main base and 4 is the max amount in a outpost)


  • When Brains, Bolts, Malphus, and Grokus attack Harvesters, they will only damage them while they contain Resources. If the Harvester has no resouces left, they then move on to the next buildings.
  • Twig Snappers require Pebbles to build and upgrade, while Pebble Shiners are made and upgraded with Twigs. This makes it so you'll never be in the situation to get the resources to upgrade your harvesters-to get more recourses. For instance, if you have no pebbles, and you want to upgrade production, but they take pebbles to upgrade-well, then you're in a real fix. Putty Squishers and Goo Factories require both, although Putty Squishers need more Twigs and Goo Factories need more pebbles.
  • Harvesters in outposts are able to auto-bank.
  • Kixeye stopped a hack where users were able to producer resources beyond the max number.
  • Visible Loot - when attacking Town Halls, Harvesters, and Silos, you can now see loot popping out of the building; this makes it more clear which buildings provide loot.