Backyard Monsters Wiki
Backyard Monsters Wiki

Chazz11223389 Chazz11223389 5 May 2012

Slimeattikus and Vorg

I don't know about everyone else but I think the new update is definetley a good thing. Mainly because we now have two more monsters to pick from. At first glance they don't look that good but Slimeattikus can actually split into smaller versions of itself the first monster of it's kind. Not only that he also has the ability acid like Fang. Paired up with Vorg as a cheaper alternative to Zafreeti and Fomor they could be great. So what does everyone else think.

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Chazz11223389 Chazz11223389 16 March 2012

Korath (Moloch's Pet)

Lately the event Monster Madness was announced.Basically once we capture him he'll become our Inferno Champ that's obvious.What I'm talking about is there going to be some special way of capturing him or do we just have to defend our Outposts.I don't know if anyone else agrees but what if he targets our weakest Outposts, they wouldn't stand a chance.

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Chazz11223389 Chazz11223389 28 January 2012

Inferno (The Underground)

This blog is all about Inferno.Like stuff about buildings and just simple questions.I'll try and answer any questions that you have and keep adding to this blog.

As you can see there is now an academy for Inferno Monsters called the Infernal Academy. I'm hoping that now we can level up our monsters they will soon make a new lab to unlock abilities for our Monsters.

Also I don't know if anyone has noticed but when you upgrade your buildings their appearence dosen't change like in your normal yard.Which makes me think if Kixeye changes the appearences of the buildings will they change instantly or will we have to upgrade them again.

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